Feast Day of St. Crispin
From Catholic Online:
[St. Crispin was a] "Franciscan lay brother, noted for miracles, prophecies, and holiness. Born Peter Fioretti, in Viterbo, Italy, on November 13, 1668, he studied at the Jesuit College, and became a shoemaker. At twenty-five he entered the Franciscan Capuchins and took the name Crispin. He served as a gardener and as a cook. He called himself "the little beast of burden of the Capuchins." During an epidemic, Crispin effected many miraculous cures. He was also venerated for his prophecies and spiritual wisdom. Crispin died in Rome on May 19. He was beautified in 1806 and canonized in 1982.
St. Crispin, pray for us.